Prayer – Day One

Today marks the beginning of a 10 day journey we are going on as a church. Every year in August, we challenge each other to spend 10 days seeking the Lord in prayer. This isn’t to say we don’t seek the Lord in prayer for the rest of the 355 days out of the year. This is simply a way to get all of us as a church focused on and praying for the exact same things.

Being on this journey with you, I want to encourage you with four things.

One, set aside time each day specifically for prayer. The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), which means to always be in a state of prayer. I have also learned over the years that if I don’t carve out that time for prayer, my prayers will be more reactionary, rather than intentional and specific. Carve out time every day to spend time in prayer. If that’s in the morning, the evening or every hour on the hour.

Two, write down a few things that you are asking God to do specifically in your life or the life of your family.  Write down these prayers so you won’t forget them and during your prayer time each day, pray specifically for these things, as well as the items we are praying for as a church, which I will post on my blog.  Let’s see how God shows up in our specific and intentional prayers during this time.

Three, share what God does in your life during this time.  Be willing to share with someone, with social media and with the church what God is doing in and through this time of prayer. How is God changing you? What is God saying to you specifically? How has God showed up in your life during these 10 days? Sharing what God is doing in you, will encourage others to pursue Him in their lives.

Four, allow yourself to pursue God through not just prayer, but through reading His Word. When we supplement one with the other, powerful things can happen. If you haven’t already, sign up for the Front Range Reading Plan.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you. Let it begin.

Prayer Focus – Day One: Teachers and Administrators

As classes being in many schools this week, let’s be praying for our administrators and teachers. God has given them a great calling to influence and impact the next generation. Let’s pray God would guide them and direct them over the next school year. In addition, let’s pray for grace and peace as they work hard and invest their lives into new families. To all the teachers and faculty members in our church, THANK YOU!!!

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