Prayer – Day Three

Yesterday we asked the question, “What is prayer?” We answered the question with a definition from the book Prayer by Tim Keller. Keller writes, “Prayer is both conversation and encounter with God…We must know the awe of praising His glory, the intimacy of finding His grace, and the struggle of asking His help, all of which can lead us to know the spiritual reality of His presence.”

Yesterday we focused on the aspect of knowing the awe of praising His glory. If you missed that post, you can find it here.

Today, I want us to focus on the second aspect of this definition, which is knowing “the intimacy of finding His grace.”

I love the story of the woman who found out where Jesus was eating and decided to go and anoint his feet with expensive perfume. As the host, a Pharisee, made negative comments about Jesus allowing her to even be close to him, Jesus responds by saying, “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” (Luke 7:47)

When you think on the depth of your sin; when you think of how broken and lost you once were; when you think of how far you were from God; and when you come to grips with the grace of God, it creates a deeper intimacy with your Heavenly Father.

Take time during your prayer time today and remember how much grace God has given you over the years. Remember how far from God you once were and how desperately we need his grace on a daily basis. Pray that the knowledge of our sin, the recognition of His grace and love will draw you to a deeper intimacy with God.

Prayer Focus – Day Three: Churches in Castle Rock

Let’s pray for all the Christ-centered, Gospel-centered churches in Castle Rock. Let’s pray for growth in attendance, as well as spiritual growth in each of the congregations. May God continue to unite the churches in Castle Rock so that the lost of our community will see our love for one another and be drawn to Jesus. 

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