Prayer – Day Five

Over the last few days, we have discussed what prayer is. We looked at how prayer is both a conversation and an encounter with God. We discussed how prayer is knowing the awe of praising God’s glory, the intimacy of finding His grace and the struggle of asking for His help.

These are great things to focus on, but if you are anything like me, you can find your prayer life more of a one-way street, than a two-way conversation. One of the key components of prayer, but one that is forgotten so often, is the art of listening.

If prayer is a conversation and encounter with God, then we must give room for God to respond. Many times, I have found myself praying to God, but not listening for Him. I have told Him all the things I want Him to do or praised Him for His glory, but then I close up shop and move to the next thing. Could you imagine doing that with a friend or a spouse?

Prayer is a conversation with God. It takes intentional focus to stop, be quiet and listen.

Psalm 46:10 states, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

The term “be still” in Hebrew is raphah and it literally means to cease striving. We are to stop working so hard to know God and just be still and let God speak to our hearts and our minds.

God knows what you need today. God knows the words that you need to hear. He knows the healing you are longing for. He knows the joy you have experienced or the pain you are experiencing. God wants you to know today that He is God.

Take time today to just listen. Pray for the things in your life and then stop for a moment and ask Him to speak to you. Then, just listen.

Prayer Focus – Day Five: Those In Our Town Who Don’t Know Jesus

All of us have friends and/or family in this town who don’t know Jesus. Let’s spend time today praying for their salvation. Let’s pray that God would do whatever He needs to do to grab ahold of their lives. Let’s pray God would give us opportunities to invite them to church or to speak into their lives. May God grant us favor and may many come to know Jesus personally.  

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